Achieve maximum revenue growth

Professional Services For Demandbase OneTM 

Unlock success with our onboarding and professional services

As certified Strategic Partners, we accompany you through every phase of your journey with Demandbase OneTM Go-To-Market (GTM) Platform. From initial onboarding and implementation to continuous optimization, we are dedicated to helping you reach and surpass your account-based transformation objectives.

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ABX Professional Services for B2B Growth

Transforming Account-Based Marketing into Account-Based Experience

From personalized campaigns to targeted outreach and strategic intelligence, we equip your business for success. Whether crafting compelling content or leveraging data-driven insights, our approach optimizes your growth journey.


Specializing in...

Delivering hands-on professional services tailored for Ideal Client Profile (ICP) and buyer persona research, account intelligence and prioritization, ABX campaign execution, sales consultancy, training, coaching, and beyond.

Strategic Insights and Planning

Delve into ICPs and buyer personas alongside advanced account intelligence for optimized resource allocation. Our agile methodical approach ensures precise execution across ABX campaigns, marketing, and sales initiatives, empowering you to navigate modern business landscapes with confidence.

Integrated ABX Campaigns

Unlock the power of integrated ABX campaigns by executing personalized ABM strategies that resonate with your target audience. Craft bespoke content and messaging tailored to address their unique needs and challenges. Then, deploy precise outreach and engagement tactics to foster meaningful interactions and drive desired outcomes.

Sales Enablement and Support

Guide your sales team from opportunity nurturing to deal closure and beyond, fostering customer relationships for cross-sell, up-sell, and advocacy. Equip them with the tools and knowledge to engage prospects effectively. Ensure alignment between sales and marketing efforts for maximum results throughout the customer journey.

Evolution of Account-Based Strategies: From ABM to Agile ABG

Transforming B2B Strategies for Predictable Growth

Discover the journey of Account-Based Growth, evolving from traditional Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to the customer-centric approach of Account-Based Experience (ABX), with Agile Account-Based Growth (ABG) serving as the operating system behind ABX. At Infinityn, we guide you through this evolution, turning ambitious growth promises into tangible realities.

From ABM to ABX

A Revolution in Customer-Centricity

Embark on the transformative journey from Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to Account-Based Experience (ABX), where every interaction is meticulously crafted to resonate deeply with your customers. Discover how this shift empowers personalized journeys, fostering stronger connections and driving unparalleled loyalty.

From ABX to Agile ABG

Integrating Organizational Functions

Discover how Agile Account-Based Growth (Agile ABG) evolves from ABX, acting as the operating system that seamlessly integrates organizational functions, technologies, people, and processes. Explore how this integration drives predictable growth and fosters adaptability in dynamic market landscapes.

The Agile ABG Advantage

Driving Predictable Growth

Explore the transformative power of our Agile ABG framework, engineered to deliver steady, consistent, and predictable revenue growth. Overcoming the constraints of traditional ABM, it pioneers the next generation of account-based strategies with ABX at its core, ensuring unparalleled success in dynamic market environments.

How Agile Account-Based Growth (Agile ABG) Works

Discover the power of Agile Account-Based Growth. Seamlessly integrating sales, marketing, and customer success, our methodology drives meaningful interactions and delivers measurable results. Experience it firsthand through real-world use cases.

Data Discovery & Contextualization

We dive into your tech stack, collaborating closely with marketing and account managers to unearth comprehensive customer data, revealing hidden insights. This data is seamlessly integrated with intent data, meticulously curated to formulate a precise target account list.

Tailored Account Campaigns

Drawing from insights distilled from contextualized data, we delve into your audience's preferences and behaviors to create highly personalized campaigns and creatives. This approach ensures resonance and drives significant engagement and conversions with your target audience.

Swift Success

Witness tangible results promptly as we advance your sales pipeline with leads from Qualified Buying Groups. From pinpointing key decision-makers to orchestrating discovery calls, we facilitate seamless collaboration among your SDR team, account executives, and marketing teams.

Agile ABG: Unlocking the Flywheel of Success

Navigating the Five Stages for Sustainable Growth

Explore the comprehensive journey of Agile Account-Based Growth (Agile ABG) through its five dynamic stages. From laying the groundwork with Account-Based Intelligence (ABI) to fostering enduring advocacy with Account-Based Customer Success (ABCS), this framework empowers businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of B2B growth. Dive into each stage's purpose, strategies, and ultimate goal, and discover how to propel your organization toward lasting success with agile, account-centric strategies.



Our professional services for Demandbase offer a range of benefits:
  • Research
  • Teach
  • Outreach
  • Challenge
  • Advocate

Data Analysis and Insights

Our services uncover valuable insights from Demandbase data, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement in your marketing efforts.

Advocate: Account-Based Customer Success (ABCS) - Sustaining Relationships

The final phase, "Advocate," embodies Account-Based Customer Success (ABCS), where loyalty, satisfaction, and continued delivery are paramount. ABCS extends the relationship initiated in the ABS phase, aiming higher and going the extra mile to provide consistent value-add. Success in previous stages leads to enhanced client trust and reliance, enabling ABCS to cultivate enduring partnerships and maximize the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). As clients become advocates for your brand, the flywheel of success begins anew, fueling further growth through word-of-mouth referrals and expanded opportunities.

Challenge: Account-Based Sales (ABS) - Closing with Confidence

As the journey progresses, the "Challenge" phase of Agile ABG focuses on Account-Based Sales (ABS), where deals are closed with confidence and value is maximized. ABS employs a strategic blend of psychology, sales tactics, and the Challenger™ approach to overcome obstacles and indecision, and secure sales. Sales professionals apply persistence, creativity, and empathy to nurture relationships, challenge the status quo, and ultimately drive satisfied clients to pursue repeat business. The outcome is not just a closed deal, but a satisfied client motivated to leverage solutions and explore future opportunities.

Outreach: Account-Based Sales Development (ABSD) - Building Relationships

In the "Outreach" phase, Account-Based Sales Development (ABSD) emphasizes human interaction and relationship building. ABSD recognizes Qualified Buying Group members as individuals with unique needs and preferences, initiating genuine conversations to understand and address them effectively. Building upon the groundwork laid by ABI and ABM, the Outreach team engages in relevant, personalized interactions across multiple channels. Strategies include mobilizing the buying circle, personalizing interactions, and maintaining a human-centric approach to foster trust and rapport.

Research: Account-Based Intelligence (ABI) - Foundation of Insight

In the initial phase of the Agile Account-Based Growth (Agile ABG) journey, Account-Based Intelligence (ABI) sets the stage by delving deep into research. ABI serves as the bedrock of data-driven insights, distinguishing accounts and outlining their significance. Through meticulous research and analysis, ABI enables targeted approaches for both existing accounts and new prospects, utilizing heatmaps and ideal customer profiles (ICPs). Strategies are implemented with precision, whether leveraging digital intent or not, to lay a solid groundwork for the journey ahead.

Teach: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) - Engage and Educate

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) takes center stage in the "Teach" phase, orchestrating top-of-funnel and middle-of-funnel campaigns to engage and educate Qualified Buying Group members. ABM campaigns are tailored with a keen account-based mindset, supplemented by human outreach when necessary. Commercial insight guides the creation of personalized content, while firmographic data informs advertising choices. The Opportunity Heatmap becomes a key tool for delivering content tailored to each account, warming them up for future stages of the buying journey.

AI-Powered Go-To-Market Solutions

Discover how Demandbase One™ Go‑to‑Market Platform empowers you to exceed revenue targets efficiently and effectively.

ABM/ABX Strategies

Shift from lead to account-based approach for a unified GTM approach. Integrate data and AI for a comprehensive view. Effortlessly navigate the customer journey from start to finish.

Sales Intelligence

Unlock real-time insights on active buying groups and accounts in the market. Provide account executives and SDRs/BDRs with high-quality sales intelligence, engagement metrics, and accurate company and contact information.

Buying Signals

Pinpoint buying signals before they surface. With over 1 trillion monthly third-party intent signals, Demandbase makes it effortless to identify in-market accounts and buying groups.

Smart Targeting with AI

Score accounts and buying groups using predictive analytics powered by AI. Evaluate fit, intent, and engagement across web, email, marketing automation, and CRM data. Simplify the hunt for in-market accounts.

Advertising Efficiency

Stop wasting ad spend. Target buyers efficiently. Leverage Demandbase's DSP for multi-channel ads and sync audiences effortlessly across platforms.

Website Personalization

Customize your website for relevance by account, audience, and stage. Identify visitors accurately and deliver tailored content based on their location, industry, and buyer stage.

Efficient Automation

Streamline all marketing efforts with account-based orchestration. Automate ads, direct mail, and sales outreach, based on accounts, buying groups, and individuals.

Advanced Analytics

Track engagement across every journey stage with precision. Traditional lead-based metrics fall short for accounts and buying groups. Demandbase Analytics enables measurement across accounts and buying groups, monitoring progress against your defined journeys.

Enhanced B2B Data

Integrate Demandbase B2B data seamlessly into your systems. Ensure your apps and data repositories are powered by reliable insights. Provide easy access to Demandbase Account Intelligence through APIs, cloud delivery, or flat files.

Transform Your ABX Approach with Our Agile ABG Methodology

Unlock the full potential of ABX and Agile ABG with our tailored professional services. From optimizing data solutions to orchestrating personalized campaigns and strategic intelligence, our experts are here to help you achieve your go-to-market goals. Whether fine-tuning your outreach strategies or harnessing data-driven insights, our approach optimizes every aspect of your growth journey.