Articles and News

Infinityn’s first University Sales Workshop

Written by Admin | Feb 28, 2023 10:52:02 AM

20 October 2022, Infinityn hosted its very first sales workshop for students who are interested in the world of business.

Two months before the event took place, the idea of a sales workshop came up in August and it brought together a great crew, including colleagues from the Marketing team, Infinityn Academy, and the People Operations team. Once the initial arrangements and alignments were done, preparations got under way to create an event both fun and insightful.

Infinityn is constantly on the lookout for talented youth who could add great value to our existing community and who would grow and enhance their career with us. One of our main goals is to provide space and opportunities for aspiring professionals who are passionate about their chosen path, and therefore Infinityn decided to introduce this workshop. The event allowed university students to learn more about sales as a career and they had a taste of what it is like to be part of Infinityn’s community as well.

Some of the topic that were discussed included the following:

  • Why is Sales a good first job?
  • What is Sales?
  • DOs and DON’Ts of selling
  • Different ways of Communication
  • DISC personalities

Our speakers who presented the topics and guided the sessions:

  • Robert Bukits, our Founder & Managing Director
  • Marco Andrelli, Talent Acquisition Partner
  • Lorena Santana, Infinityn Academy Manager
  • Aldo Lista, Onboarding & Enablement Specialist

A few words from Lorena about the workshop

‘The students were very nice and open. I believe our “social contract” part set the stage for openness honesty and true contribution. Basically Aldo’s idea was to divide up one of the flip charts where students could write their expectations from the day, expectations from themselves, expectations towards others and finally how all these expectations would be possible to “solve” – meaning what they are going to do in order to satisfy their expectations.’

Following the great success of the first workshop, Infinityn looking forward to planning events like this in the future!